In his hands it becomes a simple, poignant statement of hope in hard times.
It is a poignant statement against colonial mentality.
At the core of the film is a poignant social statement about public space and the war being waged for it.
Titling the album 'Blind Sighted Faith' was quite a poignant statement.
The most poignant statement came not from the marshals, however, but from the widow of Mr. Degan.
Ms. Wong's painting is an unexpected, poignant statement about self-esteem.
Sadly, Mr. Clarke's most poignant statement is that "we can't do this alone."
Then in a poignant statement to child abusers everywhere, she added: "Think about what you're doing."
There were other poignant political statements at the 1968 Olympics.
Taps, a simple, poignant statement of end and beginning.