And they warmly embraced, poignantly aware for the first time of the unbreakable bond between father and son.
Colleagues and associates of Mrs. Feinstein say that she is poignantly aware of the expectations surrounding her unique position on the committee and that her mind is not made up on the Roberts nomination.
Or rather he was suddenly aware of that deadness inside him, more poignantly aware of it than he had been till now.
It had not helped that every moment of it, she had been poignantly aware that just outside the Palace walls, virtually every creature of Court and Collegiawith the possible exceptions of the two scamps whod broken the salle mirrorwas taking the time to have some winter fun in the heavy snow.
Many of the Bangladeshi children are poignantly aware of the difference between their situation and that of American peers who may be busy worrying about choosing the right sneakers and filling out résumés to impress college admissions officers.
When Ms. Bussert is around, one is made poignantly aware of what the world is missing without a thriving musical theater.
His death, along with that of his mother and of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the spiritual leader of Indian independence, who was cut down in 1948, have left Indian political leaders poignantly aware of their vulnerability.
Paul was poignantly aware that the cup of tea he sipped might be the last he would ever taste.
The painting makes its viewer poignantly aware of time and change in the process of making and seeing the painting, of the many attempts needed to "get it right," and yet the painting does not succeed in articulating its vision of what that rightness is.