The little man pointed inland, so that the giant was forced to turn away from the others to look in the direction indicated.
Rennie turned away from the river to point inland.
As he was changing form, he saw the phosphorescence once more organize into a straight line, this time pointing inland.
It pointed inland along a deeply tracked dust road.
In order to protect themselves from this spirit people sleep with their heads pointing inland.
They had rowed only a little closer to the beach when one of the men pointed inland, and raised a cry of wonder.
Gruesome started to answer, then shrugged helplessly and pointed inland.
A redoubt accessed by a viaduct, it has guns pointing inland.
The spotlights were all pointed inland, so he was able to pull himself onto the foredeck in near total darkness.
One branch of palm, brown fronds drooping like feathers, seemed to point inland.