The enemy's line facing a salient is referred to as a re-entrant (an angle pointing inwards).
Now, with your eyes open, place your feet parallel and nine people out of ten will feel that their feet are pointing inwards.
Spinner saw, pointed inwards, to an anonymous region at the heart of the three-dimensional diagram.
Following the fire, the two dragon heads on the roof were rotated 180 degrees to point inwards.
The legs should be squeezing together, and the toes should be pointing inwards toward the body.
This means that the force field lines around the particle's equilibrium position should all point inwards, towards that position.
We need to angle our skis so that our toes point inwards and the ends form a V-shape.
Drop to the knees with knees pointing inwards (into a W shape leg position).
Used pointing inwards ("like this") to indicate speech in these languages:
This means that the hocks are pointing inwards, towards each other.