The Greatest fixed point of a function, as commonly used in the μ-calculus.
A Fixed point (mathematics) is a point of a function that does not change under some transformation.
Bearing its resemblance to the quadratic formula, this formula can be used to find the critical point (mathematics) of a cubic function.
Formally, it is a fixed point of a certain function.
The system of equations which defines the zone diagram can be represented as a fixed point of a function defined on a product space.
A Sperner coloring can be constructed such that fully labeled simplices correspond to fixed points of a given function.
The original semantics of default logic was based on the fixed point of a function.
This will be the first fixed point of a certain (continuous and non-decreasing) function .
Thus the fixed point lemma is equivalent to the statement that the fixed points of a normal function form a closed and unbounded class.
In higher dimensions, a critical point of a scalar valued function is a point at which the gradient is zero.