In his first season, he averaged 6.7 points and 3.6 assists and started 25 games.
From this point on the band started to value the "song" format and to pay more attention to the voices.
When one side has more victory points under their control than another, the other side's "points" start to decrease.
Explains the hell outta why they only have one point to start the year, eh?
At what point will I start to slow down?
Any other point of view started to be considered as a serious political mistake.
No point getting busted and committed before the conference even starts.
When the organlegger's body temperature reached, certain point, the belt started.
Centerville served as a dividing point on the line and by 1910 the people in the town started to plan for a larger station.
I watched them try to find some common ground, some point at which to start.