It all seemed to point to what Human had said.
The research also pointed to what Mr. Khaleel said was an information overload.
He also pointed to what he said were more than 500 separate investigations and cases against him over the last decade as proof of his persecution.
Brother Narev pointed to where Richard had said it should go.
He pointed to what he said were inconsistencies in their testimony.
Mr. Cheney pointed to what he said were inconsistencies in both.
At the recent Hastings conference, bioethicists pointed to what they said were the field's accomplishments.
Analysts also pointed to what they said was a now clearly established preference among investors seeking bargains among smaller companies.
Some wondered whether the changes were even necessary, pointing to what they said were strong existing laws.
Mr. Tejpal pointed to what he said was an erotic painting on the underside of one of the small overhangs.