Zaoui's lawyers issued a point-by-point response to the summary.
Moore posted a point-by-point response on his website.
The Energy Department in 1984 prepared a point-by-point response that confirmed most of the facts in the Holme report.
Dr. Schwartz's point-by-point response to Randi's criticisms was published in 2005.
He added that he had promised to obtain a written, point-by-point response from Mr. Ward within 30 days.
He has written a long point-by-point response to Dr. Georgian's assertions, officials said.
If the reviewer is required to gives detailed, point-by-point responses to percieved problems in a submitted paper, then the reviewer's competency can be gauged.
Indeed, company officials openly questioned his motives and they are preparing a point-by-point response to the questions he raised.
The union issued a formal 16-page, point-by-point response late last night and said it would send the document by overnight mail for its players to receive today.
In this book, Klein criticized Nike so severely that Nike published a point-by-point response.