Both appeared on cable news programs, and General Myers pointedly criticized former colleagues for publicly questioning civilian leadership.
Ms. Robles-Román pointedly criticized what she described as the flawed process that led to them.
His recusal, announced in October when the court accepted the case, stemmed from a speech he gave last year that pointedly criticized the lower court's reasoning.
The monetary fund pointedly criticized Germany, urging it to reduce subsidies to farmers and coal mines to cut its budget deficit.
A few days earlier, Mr. Giuliani pointedly and publicly criticized the agency for failing the Brooklyn girls by sending them home from foster care.
Appearing surprised by the Council's move after earlier sounding optimistic that a deal would be reached, the Mayor's office pointedly criticized the Council and its members.
Still, Mr. Giscard d'Estaing said that until the end he believed the French people would vote "yes," and pointedly criticized them.
But viewers can't help but recognize that a similar stance shows up in several accompanying prints by anonymous artists that pointedly criticize Walpole.
Then he pointedly criticized the companies' performance.
Then in August, Richard G. Darman, the budget director, pointedly criticized the Fed for keeping credit too tight.