This one, from the description I have read, resembles a very virulent, but little-used, poison found in India.
These effects are similar to the cardiotoxic effects of digitalis (digoxin), a poison found in the foxglove plant.
Several members of this group contain amanitin, one of the deadliest poisons found in nature.
It had very few of the organic poisons found by the first Raman expedition.
Glycoalkaloids are a family of poisons commonly found in the plant species Solanum dulcamara (nightshade).
One night, he slips some of the same poison, found in Lettie's desk, into her late night hot chocolate.
The supposed "poison" found in slave quarters was baby powder.
Urushiols are the skin-irritating poisons found in plants like poison ivy, etc.
However, Galerina contains amatoxins, the same poison found in the deadly Amanita species.
Atropine was an organic poison found in the belladonna family.