Years ago, Kurdish friends slipped me amateur film taken of Saddam's poison-gas attack that killed thousands in Halabja.
The incident added to a nationwide sense of alarm about the possibility of poison-gas attacks in public places.
Several refugees said they had witnessed poison-gas attacks, but their descriptions suggested that the chemicals used were nonlethal tear gas.
As Wilson learned, such pride has its limits, and nobody expects Israel to suffer in silence through a poison-gas attack.
After a poison-gas attack in Tokyo, authorities around the world are taking precautions against attacks.
They'd lost some of those wounded in the enemy's poison-gas attacks, because many couldn't be flown out while the battle continued.
Tell that to the 5,000 Kurdish dead in Saddam's poison-gas attack on Halabja.
The Japanese were forced to retreat, and then launched a poison-gas attack.
He taught soldiers how to deal with poison-gas attacks.
A poison-gas attack on the town of Halabja killed as many as 7,000 Kurds.