Remedios shot him a poisonous look, and didn't bother replying.
Her colleague gave her a poisonous look, but shut his mouth.
The cloaked man was shouting and pointing back along the trail, with occasional poisonous looks at Kin.
Certainly the poisonous look he gave Locutus indicated just that.
Margo had seen a twitch of Teach's face, a poisonous look from his darting eyes.
Harriet blushed while Martin gave the woman a poisonous look.
By the poisonous look that the abbot had given him, he clearly thought Marco ought to fail.
Alexander also understood why his father had given his youngest son such a poisonous look.
Her head came up and she gave him a poisonous look.
For his revelation, the chief of staff got a poisonous look that may have lasted a second or two.