It is suggested that polarised light has the power to destroy one kind within the proto-planetary disk.
Some salamanders use their pineal body to perceive polarised light, which helps navigation.
They can detect different planes of polarised light.
Many animals have sensory facilities that we humans lack; for example, insects can see ultraviolet and polarised light.
Not only can they detect polarised light, but infra-red and ultraviolet wavelengths too.
Many animals also use polarised light to find their way.
Bees navigate using the sun, and for millions of years they have used polarised light to locate their guide on cloudy days.
This crystal lets polarised light through only when held at certain angles.
The water boatman, on the other hand, has receptors in the lower part of its eye tuned to polarised light.
A vector model must also be used to model polarised light.