The pole snapped and the fall broke Burke's thoracic spine.
At sunrise, a pole snapped on Mr. Simmons's tent, partially collapsing the shelter.
This was one outrage too many and the pole snapped, dropping half of the tin roof.
A second or two later, the other pole snapped as well.
The boat slammed into the bank so hard that another pole snapped, and Arya almost lost her feet again.
The pole slammed into the wall and snapped like a twig, twisting Blade in midair.
Oracle, of San Francisco, was hoisting its spinnaker around the last windward mark when the pole snapped in half.
The guiding pole had snapped at least three times.
For a moment, Lord Damodara wondered if the pole would snap.
At that competition he looked set to be eliminated during the pole vault as his pole snapped mid-event.