General polarization of Hindu and Sikh identities after 1881 census due to polemical debates between extremist factions of Singh Sabha and Arya Samaj movements.
An argument similar to reductio ad absurdum often seen in polemical debate is the straw man logical fallacy.
Clearly, science suffers when an investigation into a crucial health problem turns into a polemical debate, each side spurred on by its cheerleaders, be they organized labor or the Safe Buildings Alliance.
Since an early age, Ali showed great interest in topics of metaphysical sciences, philosophy, polemical debates, and various topics in Muslim theology.
This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate, particularly in arguments about highly charged, emotional issues.
The campaign is now dominated by a highly polemical debate over various alternatives for creating governing coalitions after the vote.
He stopped by Fez, the intellectual capital of Morocco, and engaged in polemical debates with the leading Malikite scholars of the city.
We've been very clear to not be drawn into rhetorical polemical debates.
Uninterested in a polemical debate, Barquq simply ordered the prisoners to be tortuted until they revealed the names of all their co-conspirators.
Mr President, Mr De Croo, after debating for 25 years, we are gathered here once again to discuss chocolate, such a polemical debate for such a sweet subject.