According to a police affidavit, witnesses have placed Lemieux in the hotel room at the time the woman says she was raped.
According to police affidavits, Wone was believed to have been "restrained, incapacitated, and sexually assaulted" before his death.
On Monday, Ms. Alderson was told that she would go home the next day, according to the police affidavit.
There's nothing to visit here unless you have a permit - which requires a police affidavit that you are not a criminal.
According to the police affidavit, the 2-year-old girl told her mother that she "did not want to go home because of Barry."
The police affidavit also added that players admitted to using one another's names to try to confuse events.
The police affidavit says the woman was examined by a forensic sexual assault nurse and a physician shortly after the attack took place.
According to a police affidavit, "Johnson said the only reason for such killing would be because Obama is black."
"An arrest or a police affidavit testifying to wrongdoing is a mere accusation," he said.