These support units include the force's headquarters, a logistic support unit, a communications unit and a military police company.
They were the natural leaders in the military police company, he said, since they spoke of their work experiences.
As a Leutnant of Schutzpolizei he transferred to a police company from May 1937 until April 1938.
If government contracts out to a private police company, then different contractors may compete to offer the highest quality and/or lowest price.
Sharon routed the Sudanese police company, and captured the settlement.
The action involving Captain Bray, the commander of a military police company, is generally viewed as the first time a woman has led American soldiers in battle.
The highest-ranking soldier facing punishment is a captain in a military police company, one of the officials said.
The Lithuanian Activist Front group formed five police companies to assist in the occupation the country.
He may very well be paying more in taxes for police now than he would in fees to private, and far more efficient, police companies.
He received a brevet promotion and was placed in command of a police company in Mexico City.