On the following day, a large number of Palestinian demonstrators and an Israeli police contingent confronted each other at the site.
- that University of Belgrade students shouted when the police confronted them with clubs.
When suspects are encountered, the police can confront them with an alert, armed force and try to take control without shooting.
Armed with this information, the police confront the six complicit Tosoks.
On a rooftop in Harlem, the police confronted two men firing guns into the air.
After the phone company found that the woman had made 20 calls to the executive's home, the police confronted her and the calls ceased.
The police then confront her with a new theory, that the killer is actually a mutant himself.
Candidates are also asked to respond to situations that the police may confront, including crimes and demonstrations.
Clyde was first arrested in late 1926, after running when police confronted him over a rental car he had failed to return on time.
They said he had urged people at the rally to fight back if the police confronted them.