The local news media and the police have linked his killing to either the drug cartels or a family matter.
The police have linked the desecrations to two other incidents in the fall.
In 1990, a record 2,262 people were slain, and the police linked two-thirds of the deaths to the drug trade.
They walked away, and the Navajo police linked the footprints to the two fugitives.
The French police have linked him to the bomb in the Paris subway.
As the victim had been dismembered, police did not link her murder to the investigation.
The police did not immediately link his disappearance to the previous killings.
The police have linked the rapist to 11 attacks since Jan 20.
Today, as Israelis mourned their dead, the police did not publicly link the two attacks.
The police had contact with him after that murder and the next, but did not link him to the crimes.