Motorbikes have similar but much smaller plates with light blue (private motorbikes) and dark blue (police motorbikes) the only colors available.
Leading the motorcade were seventeen police motorbikes, and 2,500 policemen lined the route to keep the crowds at bay.
She hit a stationary police motorbike in June at the Tour du Grand Montréal required stitches in her left knee.
Mills hit by a police motorbike suffered serious injuries, losing her left leg, 6 inches below the knee.
Champion was a friend of two youngsters who died on a stolen police motorbike in July, sparking three nights of rioting in the Hartcliffe area.
At the moment crowds are amusing themselves by cheering police motorbikes, which are driving away from Buckingham Palace.
The police motorbike lay overturned on the street, the jeep was turned into a mangled wreck and the windows of buildings were shattered.
The game will feature quick time events similar to Heavy Rain, a chopper chase, and allow the player to ride a police motorbike.
Puzzled, he accelerated - and suddenly on the ramp below the car he saw dozens of police motorbikes crossing in formation.
On July 16, 1992 there was a riot in Hartcliffe estate after two men who had stolen an unmarked police motorbike were killed in a chase with a police patrol car.