Singh claimed the reason was concern by the cinema that the police would retaliate by raising charges over statutory violations.
Eventually, the police on the bridge retaliated with a heavy, synchronized push, successfully sweeping the protesters backward.
The police often retaliated and you can still see bullet holes in the ceiling to the right of the main altar.
The Simpsons Hit & Run has a warning meter that indicates when the police will retaliate for bad behavior.
It looks as though the police retaliated with a "grab", surging into the crowd to apprehend a troublemaker.
He said that many people in the neighborhood feared the police would retaliate against them out of frustration over the incident.
The police retaliated with water cannons and clubs after protesters tried to commandeer one of the fire trucks.
The police retaliated with clubs and tear gas.
The police retaliated, using tear gas and a water cannon.
When crowds refused to disperse, the police retaliated by opening fire to cease the protesters.