He, like her father, is not above police suspicion.
In Connecticut, many addicts continue to avoid both, for fear of raising police suspicion and being caught with a dirty needle.
The Minister may tell me that there is a much more up-to-date set of statistics relating to police suspicions.
Police had limited evidence and decided not to question him over the murders, which would have let Glover know of the police suspicions.
But the action of the fathers has largely overcome the police suspicion.
His life then begins to improve, but as the student grows more reckless, police suspicion continues to grow.
Further letters in 1903 alleged he was partially responsible for the outrages and caused the police suspicion to focus on him.
For all anyone knew, Ronald might now be under police suspicion, and he must not appear to be trying to tamper with the medical evidence.
There have been no raids at all this year despite police suspicions that the hash trade is controlled by organized crime.
The initial police suspicion was that the party had been bombed either as a revenge attack or to stop the noise.