Although Syria and Iran are considered allies, their interests and policy in Lebanon do not coincide.
Such a policy did not coincide with the plans of Britain, which was opposed by the British minister Lord Strangford, who previously had a strong influence on the Brazilian government.
For there were still some who wondered if the policies of the Overlords would always coincide with the true welfare of humanity.
This policy, known as malgachization, coincided with a severe economic downturn and a dramatic decline in the quality of education.
They are the kingmakers that put him in the governor's mansion and are the kingmakers that will try to put him in the White House because his policies coincide with their interests.
His deregulatory policy coincided with a period of significant consolidation in the communications market.
But as these policies coincided with the global downturn and foreign investors had already bought Taiwan stocks heavily before the election, betting on the reforms, the island's market has seen a sell-off worse than the regional average.
These policies coincided with the beginning of Barzani's uprising in Iraqi Kurdistan and discovery of oilfields in the Kurdish inhabited areas of Syria.
This relatively lenient filtering policy coincided with what was arguably a trend toward greater openness and increasing freedom of the press.
Wilson's policies did not coincide with many other Liberals both in the legislature and in the party who wanted to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of Social Credit.