The policy must identify disciplinary actions for bullying and designate a school staff person to receive complaints of bullying.
While both policies designated a brother named David Ojekwe as the prime beneficiary, they differed in a crucial respect: the ages of five other siblings listed on the forms did not match up with one another.
Although policies in Costa Rica direct eco-tourists into areas designated specifically for that purpose, thereby alleviating the pressure on other more fragile environments, the fact is that even the ecotourism designated environments are becoming more and more fragile.
Also designated the Lebanese Liberation Organization - LLO (Arabic: Al-Tanzim al-Tahrir al-Lubnaniyya) or Organisation de Liberation Libanais (OLL), this mysterious organization appears to have combined a variety of grievances against Syria, Israel and US policies over Lebanon.
The policy must identify disciplinary actions for bullying and designate a school staff person to receive complaints of bullying The policy must be available on the school's website and posted in every classroom.
The policy designated FQHC services as a mandatory Medicaid service that all states must cover and reimburse on a cost-related basis, using the Medicaid prospective payment system.