The policy enunciated in Military Committee document MC14/1, issued in December 1952, saw the defence of Germany as principally a delaying action, to allow a line of resistance to be established along the lines of the IJssel and Rhine rivers.
But the absence of broader support within the armed forces may be a vindication of the policy enunciated by Mr. Ileto of tightening the grip on malcontents slowly in the hope that their cause and their support would slowly fade.
When George Bush takes office, he could do the world a favor by rescinding the policy enunciated in Mexico City.
The remarks, in an interview with The Daily Mail, contradicted policy enunciated by Prime Minister Tony Blair that British troops should leave Iraq only when Iraqi forces can take over security duties from them.
But some environmentalists said the revised agreement represented a substantial retreat from the no-net-loss policy first enunciated by Mr. Bush in the Presidential election campaign in 1988.
In place of the policy enunciated in the White Paper, the Arab Higher Committee called for "a complete and final prohibition" of Jewish immigration and a repudiation of the Jewish national home policy altogether.
For nearly a half hour, senior diplomats rushed around, conferring with each other on what had seemed a drastic shift in Moscow's policy enunciated by the Foreign Minister, Andrei V. Kozyrev.
Under the policy enunciated by Mr. Bush in 2001, federal money can be used to support research on only 20 or so stem cell lines that existed before the policy was set.