I can cite 10 examples of what the federal government is saying publicly about domestic energy production versus how current policies are negatively impacting energy producers and energy producing states like Louisiana.
The networking researcher's motivation for studying Internet-specific topologies is to enable prediction of how new technologies, policies, or economic conditions will impact the Internet's connectivity structure at different layers, whereas a physicist is interested in studying the Internet as any other complex network.
New classical economists did not share the monetarist belief that monetary policy could systematically impact the economy.
His influence and policies greatly impact the course of European politics.
These policies did not just impact the poor and undereducated; for example, around 1950, a cooperative housing development, that housed mainly faculty from Stanford University, limited availability to non-whites to 10%, in order to preserve financing for mortgages (Arrow 1998:92).
The questions asked are equally diverse, the intent being to facilitate the discussion of how neoliberal policies and extant or proposed development projects are impacting communities on the ground in Latin America.
The idea behind the meeting is to bring together a wide range of federal agencies whose policies impact these communities and allow the communities to raise a range of cross-cutting issues in a single forum.
It is now well known that its cuts are hitting women's purses harder than men's wallets, but there is the further worrying possibility that its policies are now impacting women's safety, too.
It would be short-sighted to think that, in this age of globalisation, European policy only impacted on our own citizens.