Yet the exchange rate is only one of the many macroeconomic variables that monetary policy can influence.
In practice, governments can also use monetary policy and exchange rate policy to influence the level of aggregate demand.
In other words, how will your policies influence Americans, rather than just using special light bulbs, to do this?
But with 296,000 members, about half the nation's doctors, the group's policies can influence both lawmakers and public opinion.
It will also be a digital library, organizing the growing base of knowledge about how business models and policy can influence technology.
But interest rates, overall economic policy and competitive pressures also influenced Japanese investors.
Other public policies may also influence investment in the private sector.
Sweden showed us how the wrong budgetary policy in the Member States can influence the vote.
In other words, monetary policy can influence growth but not without the help of budgetary policies.
It is my firm belief that monetary policy can and will influence the movement of prices over the medium-term but not in the short-term.