It is a policy, concept, manifesto, specifically guidelines for those who will put the reforms into action - the town mayor or factory manager, the economic researcher or farming expert.
As well as the new constitution, the 1918 conference supported a policy manifesto, 'Labour and the New Order'.
Rumours of an early election could be designed to rush Labour into setting out a policy manifesto before they are ready.
The air of cheerful confidence that marked so many of their early battles for their policy manifesto, the Contract With America, was noticeably absent.
His FaFoFu even has a foreign policy manifesto: "Chocolate will be too expensive.
This fall the historians Anatol Lieven and John Hulsman will publish a foreign policy manifesto called "Ethical Realism."
Setting out his stall before a March 4 presidential election which he is on course to comfortably win, the Russian prime minister published a wide-ranging policy manifesto.
The Conservatives write in their policy manifesto on the Big Society:
One Australia became the centrepiece of Howard's general policy manifesto, 'Future Directions - It's Time for Plain Thinking', which was released in December 1988.
Non-interference principles are also found in China's foreign policy manifestos.