The earlier policies sought to protect and subsidize local industry, especially the public sector, at the expense of foreign companies.
The policy, an initiative of the Women's Commission, sought to further legalize the plan.
The facts are these, however: There are good reasons public policy should seek to increase growth.
In this case, the policy was seeking increased diversity of voices and viewpoints on the airwaves.
Instead, the policy seeks to limit his influence by continuing to isolate him politically and economically in the region, these officials say.
The policy of multilateralism sought consistent engagement in global issues.
Most policies will seek to establish a balance between business and personal use, whilst encouraging staff to develop effective computer skills.
Bismarck's post-1871 foreign policy was conservative and sought to preserve the balance of power in Europe.
I would ask them the following questions: does your policy seek to marginalise people?
The policies you propose on justice and home affairs seek mainly to prevent immigration.