This bronze relief is placed on a tall, column like, multi-tiered unit that has a polished sphere on the top.
He threw the polished sphere to Peter, who slapped it with the side of his hand, giving it a terrific backspin.
Saying them, we clutched the cool polished spheres of starstone, icy as frostflowers, and made communion with the Will.
The collection of polished dinosaur-dung spheres had grown since he had last seen it.
Two colorful polished spheres of dinosaur dung stood there on small bronze stands.
All it is, is a highly polished sphere with some convoluted grooves on one side.
The screen showed the polished sphere.
On one monitor, they saw the polished sphere.
The satellite itself, a small but highly polished sphere, was barely visible at sixth magnitude, and thus more difficult to follow optically.
The measurements use highly polished spheres of silicon with a mass of one kilogram.