At other times he is the soul of Tevye, politely expressing slight differences of opinion with God.
Somerset was unacquainted with the name, but he politely expressed surprise and gratification.
Cheese purchasers surveyed by the authors made comments like, "I cannot politely express my distaste for this cheese," and, "That rancid taste doesn't hit my stomach well."
Homasubi politely expressed gratitude.
Representative Hawes of Texas politely expressed his doubts.
Quadrupling the number of academics in 15 years inevitably led to some appointments of people 'not of the first rank', as some politely express themselves.
The contrast between the cruelty of her intention, and the musical beauty of the voice which politely expressed it in those words, really startled me.
After politely expressing his surprise at seeing "Mrs. Bailey" in such a situation, one of the officers asked Peace his name.
Roger politely expressed admiration of their disguises.
Each politely expresses his desire to see as little of the other as possible: Jaques: God b' wi' you; let's meet as little as we can.