Many believed that the country was teetering on the precipice of political anarchy and economic collapse.
Following the battle, the kingdom entered a period of economic crisis and political anarchy.
As in Turkey, the military has periodically rescued Pakistan from political anarchy.
China was set on a course of political and social anarchy that lasted the better part of a decade.
Hambley claimed there was a constitutional crisis and this should be done "immediately to avoid political anarchy".
Europe fell into political anarchy, with many warring kingdoms and principalities.
In that case, our military assistance to Chad, far from containing political anarchy, would only add to it.
Throwing money at a trillion-dollar economy that's sinking in political anarchy, waste and corruption is not a brilliant idea.
The 1383-1385 Crisis followed, a period of political anarchy, when no monarch ruled the country.
The military and political anarchy created by this civil war had serious implications, such as the outbreak of the Batavian rebellion.