If the new crop of political artists can avoid that stuff and create something new then it could be good.
He has described himself as a "devoted political artist."
His works often deal with issues that are considered sensitive in Iranian society and therefore he is frequently referred to as a 'political' artist.
While his works addressed political issues he never considered himself a "political artist" and society is what was most important to him.
What political artist can we trust with the power of selection?
The hip hop audience was moving away from political artists at the time.
Not political artists who want Western attitudes toward the rest of the world confronted.
Which brings up another lesson for political artists: if you must hit us over the head, better make sure that the audience feels it.
For a political artist, at least, this probably should be viewed as a kind of success.
"I am not a political artist," he insisted in a phone interview from Kassel last month.