She published her political autobiography, entitled Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage, in 1969, and the book sold very well.
Just my way of saying that I think that most political autobiographies aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
Young's political autobiography, The Enterprise Years, was published in 1990.
She has published a political autobiography, Catching the Waves: life in and out of politics.
Her political autobiography starts out with so many acknowledgments that I wondered if she had written any of the book herself.
His first major effort in that direction was the publication of his political autobiography, This Time the World.
Mr. Nofziger wrote four western novels and a political autobiography, "Nofziger."
The book is considered the first popular best-selling kiss-and-tell American political autobiography published in the United States and caused a sensation when it was released.
He would later write in his political autobiography that the experience resembled nursing a stick of unstable dynamite.
It is a "political autobiography," she explained, because she views her personal and her political selves as inseparable.