These scopes are more practicable now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic.
As if that turnover was not enough, voters in this region, a political barometer for the nation, are once again restless.
As a result, the stock market index has been transformed into a political barometer.
The utilities, the best political barometer, were obvious beneficiaries.
The push to raise the minimum wage is a useful political barometer: seven states have raised the minimum in just the last two years.
With 34,000 students, Casablanca's university is Morocco's largest and serves as a political barometer.
Mr. Parris is something of a political barometer when it comes to Congressional feelings about the District.
Others saw the vote as a political barometer, a victory for nationalism over religious fundamentalism.
The extension of voting by qualified majority and of policies governed by the co-decision process is another key political barometer.
And they know buttons are bad political barometers: the candidate who distributes the most does not necessarily win.