He got there in time to pick up and record for future reference several different telephone numbers as the senator searched via Ma Bell for his friend and political benefactor.
Now as a higher rank, Frank McKetta immediately attempted to assemble a qualified staff whose loyalty was to the department rather than political benefactors.
But the elected official most closely identified with the group, and its main political benefactor, is state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who now finds himself ensnared in the investigation.
His nomination would follow the pattern of presidents of sending a political benefactor to the embassy in London.
In time, the senator became something of a political benefactor.
Her principal political benefactor is City Councilwoman Juanita E. Watkins, who asked her to run for the Assembly seat.
To listen to President Bush, it was almost as if an epiphany involving his mother-in-law drove him to turn on the Enron Corporation, his most generous political benefactor.
They have usually favored Republicans, and Mr. Andreas was the biggest political benefactor of Bob Dole.
But his political benefactors, after 10 years of supporting him through other controversies, have dumped him.
Mr. Peters's main political benefactor and campaign aide is Guy V. Molinari, the former Staten Island borough president.