But, residents became complacent, and the city's political bosses continued in control.
All the important decisions are made by three political bosses - the governor and the leader of each legislative house.
Almost everyone in China depends on bosses - criminal, political and economic, or a combination of all three.
But the Governor, the biggest female political boss in the state, took a plane here.
Sometimes you can stand up to a political boss and win.
She seemed to have more power than the political boss, the Comlink, who spent most of his time finding out what everybody else wanted.
If he's not a political boss, he could at least play one on TV.
What stands out in particular is the frustration of the military leaders on the ground with decisions taken by their political bosses.
Television became the new political boss, and all the focus went to consultants like Garth.
You have a political boss who's also a key businessman.