Later commentators have suggested it was the "most famous" example of political bribery in the decade.
For 13 months, Italy has been seized by the biggest political bribery and corruption scandal in postwar Europe.
"The sweeteners in this bill are political bribery, and our troops deserve more than this."
Does not the idea of giving out a blanket provision look like political bribery in an election year?
It not only looks like political bribery - it probably is.
Yitzhak Laor described his conduct as tantamount to taking political bribery.
Fitzgerald soon expanded this investigation, uncovering a network of political bribery and gift-giving, and leading to more than 60 indictments.
Three of them propose rules to make political bribery more difficult.
"I am," he loved to tell her, "up to my armpits in investigations into political bribery, extortion, and influence-peddling."
This centralised system was created through political bribery and until 1929 it was maintained by subverting the democratic system of government.