Members may also attend political briefings delivered by Republican Senators, top level Administration officials, and other GOP leaders.
Last week, his father was among a group of Muslim leaders admitted to the White House for a political briefing.
Pepperidge hadn't put any political briefing in the envelope and there was no point in taking a crash course because even that would need several weeks.
Neal Lawson advised Tony Blair on campaign strategy, Ben Lucas conducted Blair's political briefings and Jon Mendelsohn handled the future prime minister's contacts with business.
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved the issuance of a subpoena to the Republican National Committee for information about the political briefings.
In fact, political briefings were routinely given to appointees in previous administrations as well, according to publications and news articles.
The Hotline is a daily political briefing published, alongside National Journal, by Atlantic Media Company from its headquarters at The Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
Since the Gulf War, the press had been growing increasingly belligerent and suspicious of military and political briefings.
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The Hotline, a daily political briefing published in Washington, D.C.