But accountability is a hot educational and political buzzword.
You know, that word swing is almost a political buzzword.
Like so many phrases that have become political buzzwords, affirmative action means different things to different people.
In terms of its popularity as a political buzzword, it has enjoyed its greatest usage in the United States, which possesses large African American and Mesoamerican minorities.
Some critics had dismissed Mr. Fisher as a weathervane candidate, saying his themes of "change," "restructuring" and "the future" were simply this year's political buzzwords.
For a fresh political buzzword, try PessRums.
Competitiveness is emerging as this year's fashionable political buzzword.
As I mulled over that doctor's tart reply, I couldn't help but admire one aspect of it: its transparency, to use the new political buzzword.
The world marketplace ought to be made a tremendous opportunity instead of a threat to this nation's economy - not simply by repeating the popular political buzzwords of competitiveness and productivity.
The 747 Plan is the political buzzword for the economic goals of the administration of South Korean president Lee Myung-bak.