The Liberal Party, no longer a serious political challenger by the late 1920s, meandered through the inter-war years in a state of deep division and shock.
For the underfinanced, invariably lesser-known political challenger, such nonpartisanship is the kiss of death.
Unlike other jurisdictions, District politics offers few traditional incubators for strong political challengers - positions like state senator, local prosecutor or sheriff.
Kennan saw the Soviet Union as an ideological and political challenger rather than a true military threat.
It is doubtful, for instance, whether any political challenger really wants to take over his job.
Jens Reich is the joker among the four candidates - a serious political challenger, while being a rank outsider.
When he suspected one of his secretaries of plotting with a political challenger, the door to her office was removed.
He chased into exile or into prison prominent businessmen seen as political challengers.
President Bush has opposed spending limits, saying that political challengers need to spend whatever it takes to overcome the advantages of incumbency.
We haven't had much of a history of strong political challengers for a long time in this area.