Rustin's homosexuality, the Pasadena incident in particular, embarrassed and angered some of his political comrades.
However, when his homosexual relationship becomes public, his political comrades reject him.
Mikel's political comrades who rejected him in life appropriate his death as a forum for political protest.
This assistance was generally limited to the prisoners in the functionary's own group (fellow citizen or political comrade).
In the meantime he continued legal work, defending his political comrades.
He had been up late comforting the wife of Oliver R. Tambo, a lifelong friend and political comrade, dead of a stroke.
He does not give a pass to the flaws and hypocrisies of his political comrades, and never has.
Kahn and Rustin remained lifelong friends and political comrades.
He was a close friend, and something of a political comrade.
The shorter his stay in Vorbarr Sultana, the less likely he'll be to get nailed for new jobs by old political comrades.