Critics say direct grants undermine science through pork-barrel financing and political dealing.
But beneath the "Southland" musk was the same old stench of political dealing.
"Meaning that even a corporation lawyer has political dealings once in a while?"
He has always been widely admired for being honest and fair in all his political dealings.
He tells Jack that he does not want his hospital defiled by any political dealings.
The actress, however, intends to bring her imagination to bear on her political dealings.
Mr. Webster has been the subject of a two-year investigation into his political and personal dealings.
"The success or failure of our effort won't depend on the political dealings between the governors and the president," he said.
Let us not leave it at recommendations on paper, but rather give it substance through our own personal and practical political dealings!
That is not bad for a global player and, if we do the same in our political dealings, nothing can go wrong anymore.