The service is for all professional groups in health care, political decision-makers and the general public.
In using biographical information about candidates for generating the forecast, the model can be useful to political decision-makers.
So it is, in fact, the political decision-makers who decide on taxation who can provide additional resources.
Surely the political decision-makers should have the last, clear word.
The Commission wants to increase its power at the expense of political decision-makers.
It is a matter of rebuilding trust in the Union's political decision-makers.
Families, political decision-makers and societies as a whole must talk to one another to ascertain where they went wrong and why.
I hope that the political decision-makers in Kiev will now maintain the momentum of recent weeks.
Parliament, however, is the political decision-maker elected by the people of Europe, and we must make its majority will evident.
Increasing supranationalism within the Union will only remove political decision-makers still further from the people.