Occasionally Baker erupts into political diatribes, but this is generally rare: he will usually avoid strong outward positions.
Indeed, if the show had been simply a political diatribe, it would not likely have drawn a viewership estimated at more than 50 million people.
We are not interested in doing political diatribes.
The most powerful was a brand-new political diatribe in which he demanded to be awakened from a nightmare.
"I needed religious comfort and did not want to hear a political diatribe," he quoted the student as saying.
"Why would they subject themselves to personal abuse and the usual political diatribe that takes place?"
All you write now are political diatribes against the Milieu.
No one wants to listen to three hours of a political diatribe.
In fact, no one wants to listen to two hours of a political diatribe.
"The essential transformation that is taking place is a significantly lower degree of tolerance for irresponsible political diatribes."