The relentless decline has become a mirror of Europe's economic weakness and political disunity.
The Achaemenids took advantage of the political disunity and penetrated into the region.
In Yugoslavia, the situation is more complex, because of the increasing political disunity in that country.
It is a time of political disunity.
It had become fractured by increased political and religious disunity.
Savarkar created the term Hindutva, and emphasized its distinctiveness from Hinduism which he associated with social and political disunity.
For the few months that she survived following the death of her father, Fatimah found herself indirectly at the center of political disunity.
By contrast, the peoples opposed to the Mongols were in a mature state of feudalism and the political disunity that went with it.
The ideal of reunification must not be allowed to be whittled away by replacing the former political disunity with economic division.
As attention focused on the nation's political disunity, violent confrontation was apparently on the ebb for a second day in the territories.