Which web of political entanglements was I caught up in, she meant.
"The political entanglements made it a messy prospect at best," she said, frowning.
Each one introduced Warren to new friends, but also brought political entanglements.
Ms. Lowey's withdrawal ended one of the odder political entanglements of recent years.
Minutus is a Roman citizen striving to survive without political entanglements.
Qazi states that this project will be impossible due to possible political entanglements.
Due to supply failures and political entanglements, the army never advanced beyond the establishment of a headquarters.
"Officers are specifically warned to avoid political entanglements, including liaisons either casual and permanent with the following classes of persons."
That is the sort of determination that needs to be made by a prosecutor with no political entanglements.
Compounding the technology issues are the political entanglements of voting machine companies.