We must maintain ourselves what we are, or cease to have a political existence worth preserving.
In a sense, therefore, he brought part of the New World into political existence.
O experienced Mounier, what an afternoon; the last of thy political existence!
After the 1980 election, he made that oath the center of his political existence.
The political existence of the Turkish nation was to be completely eliminated under these plans, except for a small region.
"I have almost no personal life at all - I lead a completely political existence," he told a reporter then.
In the closing centuries of its political existence, the Jewish people received its permanent form.
Moreover, he was from the state which had begun its political existence as Indian Territory.
So we are quite literally witnessing this country' s almost desperate fight for economic survival and political existence.
As such, it had a separate political existence, and was officially established as a borough in 1891.