The book is a political, legal, and moral fable, thought to have been edited, compiled, and possibly written by Andrew Horn.
Unable to indulge in political fables, the Fed, like many Americans, is clearly torn about how to react to this stingy recovery.
The director uses Apu's misbehavior as the starting point for an absurdist political fable.
This last set off a small craze for writing new fables, and particularly political fables.
But because their antics were less interesting than the plight of the worker, a wry political fable seemed buried beneath extraneous effects.
Is there a political fable tucked in here somewhere?
The power of Treaty may yet prove a vast engine of enlargement, when the Monroe doctrine takes its true place as a political fable.
As a strident political fable, it uses the well-worn metaphors of prostitution and insanity to suggest a society near collapse.
Playing emblematic characters in a contemporary political fable, the actors do their best to give the carefully constructed dialogue some spontaneity.
While the reader is led to expect a spy story crossed with a political fable, "Polar Star" is essentially neither.