He added: "The political logjam against development has cleared," referring to a state-imposed moratorium on building that ended in the early 1990's.
But he fell short of breaking the political logjam between Republicans and Democrats.
It doesn't seem they've given the Secretary any real direction or helped break the political logjam and do something substantive.
But the risk could be a huge political logjam.
The development was a genuine if faint sign of movement in a political logjam that has blocked a balanced-budget accord for close to a year.
Drug trafficking and other organized crime are among the most destabilizing factors, along with an intractable political logjam.
A brief conversation ensues about why current political logjams make that very unlikely.
The announcement, though hardly a surprise, was important because it cleared a political logjam among state Democrats.
Most commentators in the Russian press have been largely sympathetic to Mr. Yeltsin's attempts to break the political logjam.
But the compromise may not be enough to break the political logjam.